Contending with the spirit of deception
Sermon series - Heliopolis Community Church
Week 1
Deception and Abiding
Daily Prayer for Week 1:
Father, I abide in you and in your lavish love for me today.
Jesus, I abide in you and in your leadership and friendship today.
Holy Spirit, I abide in you and your anointing on me today.
In you I am forgiven by the blood of Jesus. My identity is settled as your adopted child. I have truth in your Word.
Deliver me from all confusion and deception in the name of Jesus.
Week 2
Watch and Pray
Daily Prayer for Week 2:
Loving God, I abide in you today – Father, Son, and Spirit.
I have truth in your Word, identity in your adoption, cleansing in your blood.
Open my eyes to perceive and understand what is happening around me, seen and unseen.
Awaken my spirit to pray and to influence the outcome.
Let me not fall into temptation to fall away from you. Let not my love grow cold. Keep me loyal in love to you Jesus. Amen.
Week 3
They Overcame Him
Daily Prayer for Week 3:
Father, Jesus, Spirit, I love you and I abide in you today.
I confess my sins and am cleansed by the blood of Jesus. There is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus. I am in a blood covenant with the Most High God.
I overcome the deceiver of the world through the blood of the Lamb. Jesus has disarmed all powers of darkness, and sends angels to defeat powers that come against me.
Holy Spirit, empower me today to share my testimony with people around me. Fill me and enable me to live a life of holiness that testifies to you.
Let me not fall into temptation to fall away from you. Let not my love grow cold. Keep me loyal in love to you Jesus. Amen.