What we believe
As an organization dedicated to cultivating prayer movements in the church worldwide, our faith is deeply rooted in the biblical principles outlined in the Lausanne Covenant.
The Lausanne Covenant is a statement of faith that emerged from the International Congress on World Evangelization held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974. It is a unifying document that has been endorsed by thousands of Christian leaders from around the world, representing a wide range of denominations and traditions. The key points of the Lausanne Covenant are given below. At GPI, we believe that these foundational truths are essential to our mission of developing and supporting prayer leadership in the global church.

The Lord Jesus Christ
We affirm that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully God and fully man, the only Savior of the world.
The Authority of the Scriptures
We affirm the divine inspiration, truthfulness, and authority of the Bible in all matters of faith and practice.
The Power of the Gospel
We affirm the power of the gospel to transform lives and communities, and we commit to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with all people.
Christian Unity
We affirm the importance of Christian unity, and we commit to working towards the visible unity of the Church in accordance with the will of God.
The Role of the Holy Spirit
We affirm the essential role of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of believers, and we commit to seeking His guidance and empowerment in all that we do.
The Church and its Mission
We affirm that the Church is called to be a community of believers who proclaim and live out the gospel, and we commit to working towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Evangelism and Culture
We affirm that the gospel is to be communicated in a culturally relevant way, while remaining faithful to the biblical message.
Freedom and Persecution
We affirm the importance of religious freedom and the responsibility to stand with those who are persecuted for their faith.
The Return of Christ
We affirm the imminent return of Jesus Christ and commit to living in anticipation of His return.